“And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.” — John 1:5*
“… the abyss is inaccessible light …” — Giordano Bruno*
Light besieged: “Vision fantástica o Asmodea,” one of Goya’s secret Black Paintings*, murals on the inside walls of the house where he withdrew near the end of his life.
Here is a metaphor of Soul trapped within Body.
Theirs is an unbearable intimacy. Each chokes upon the other.
Essence besieged by Flesh. Body scorched and charred by Soul.
Spiritual quests often begin at such an unhappy divide of Body and Soul. To reconcile Soul and Body is a pilgrim’s formidable task. If the adventure ends well then the traveler returns home to celebrate a triumphant Wedding. Contraries unite in a happy marriage.
Alchemists struggled to understand this mysterious marriage through another metaphor, the Philosopher's Stone*. The Stone has no one form or shape or physical description. It has been called a cup, a jewel, a tablet, a crown, a crystal, a geometric design. The Stone is a numinous device, a catalyst that purifies and ennobles whatever it touches: base metal transmutes into gold and common medicine becomes the elixir of immortality.
An alchemical text, Aurora Consurgens*, calls the Stone both
The Stone is an antinomy, a paradox which breaks all laws of logic, which goes against all that is allotted or assigned* in the material world.
Tradition assigns ambiguity and disorder to the Female. Yet that emblem of divine order, the Stone, is called Female, as is the Soul and Wisdom. From Aurora Consurgens:
Imagine the Philosopher’s Stone as a raw diamond, unrecognized amid rubble and rocks and clods of earth, lying unnoticed by Road, Way, or Path. That which is most precious hidden in plain sight amid that which is most common.
Light accessible: Detail from Ambrogio Lorenzetti’s allegory, The Effects of Good Government*. The countryside is safe, peaceful, and productive. Travelers have greater opportunity for seeking She who is hidden in plain sight amid clods of earth by the road.
Why clothe Her, valuable and sacred, in material that is mundane and profane? Because in that dress She becomes accessible to all Seekers alike …
… a Treasure free for the asking, a Door open for the knocking, a Virgin eager for the loving.