“… the whimseys of Chymists and other Modern Innovators, of whose Hypotheses we may observe, … that as they are hastily form'd, so they are commonly short liv'd. For so these, as they are often fram'd in one week, are perhaps thought fit to be laugh…

“… the whimseys of Chymists and other Modern Innovators, of whose Hypotheses we may observe, … that as they are hastily form'd, so they are commonly short liv'd. For so these, as they are often fram'd in one week, are perhaps thought fit to be laughed at the next ; and being built perchance but upon two or three Experiments are destroyed by a third or fourth …” —Themistius, the Aristotelian, arguing against experimental methods of inquiry; from "The Sceptical Chymist" by Robert Boyle.

Surely, evidence of the Owl-Chymist’s madness. What practitioner of the Art can deny the laboratory?

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