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 Blind Man: (from piteous to ferocious)

Ho! Who speaks? You scabby cheat!

Tom Fool shows up when he wants to eat.

Tom Fool: (false voice, to imitate a girl)

Nay, poor Blind Man, by Fate betrayed,

You have touched the heart of a tender Maid.

I am on my way to morning market

With Rich Father’s money in my pocket.

Blind Man: (from ferocious to wheedling)

Money is cursed if kept for greed.

Gain virtue by giving to one in need.

Tom Fool:

I am already devout and pious.

Naught the dear Lord will deny us.

Blind Man:

Heav’n’s angels do protect and bless

The Maid who shares with a soul in distress.

Tom Fool:

Rich Father warned me, often and well,

About beggars like you and the lies that you tell.

Blind Man:

Rich Father is nimble, cunning and smart.

When he marries you off will he think of your heart?

Can he understand how a virgin will yearn

For a gentle husband and easy childbirth?

For a groom who is merry and bonny with health?

No, a girl’s task is to increase Rich Father’s wealth.

Tom Fool: (hard slap to Blind Man’s face)

How dare you insult us so!

Nasty man, take another blow!

(second slap; beggar’s head boggles)

Uproarious audience laughter.

Tom mimics a third slap by clapping his hands sharply, then yells in his true voice:

Ouch! Pretty lady, why do you beat me?

Master! Save me from how she does treat me!

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Lively’s Way - Bear Boy y: GB0186